Friday, September 5, 2008


With malice of forethought, Yeshiva University lied to destroy an innocent person's life, my life.
This letter accompanies Daw's postmarked envelope dated 8.22.2008, defendant's exhibit.
Because I cannot be heard in a courtroom, I will be heard everywhere else.
Einstein/Yeshiva gave me minority-student status.
Ajay P. Garg, M.D., was described in court documents as " a black man of East Indian descent". Years later I talked to Dr. Garg, the pain from the injustice he suffered was still in his voice, years later.
Someone has to explain 40 years of injustice to Dr. Jones too.
James Daw, former assistant district attorney, Manhattan district attorney's office, see also, Andrew Lankler's performance evaluation from Kaplan, Andrew Lankler, former assistant district attorney, Manhattan district attorney's office.

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