Andrew Lankler, former assistant district attorney, Manhattan district attorney's office, personal letter, text-version, for ease of reference:
I was going to send you a note on the same card stock I was using for everyone else, but when you noticed this vellum paper, it occurred to me that it's only fitting that your note should be different from the rest of the staff.
To say that you are a unique person would be an enormous understatement. In my career I can't say that I've ever worked with anyone who has your tenacity and intelligence and dedication. You surely don't need me to tell you how valuable you have been to the Center and that, of course, there probably isn't a marketer in the company who's as effective as you.
But what I want you to know that I'll miss you more as a person than a colleague. I truly have enjoyed your company. Your ability to challenge my way of thinking, the intellectual prowness your bring to the everyday, and, yes, even your ragging about my smoking and cardiovascular well being are things I'll truly miss.
I truly hope that your future proves to be as bright as you observe, and please promise that we will remain good friends.
Yours, Andy."
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